Thyroid Disorders
At Endocrine Kids in Novi, Michigan, pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Jacalyn Bishop treats many common and uncommon pediatric endocrine diseases, including conditions of the thyroid. The thyroid is an immensely important gland, as the hormones it produces affects many metabolic processes throughout the rest of the body. Most thyroid issues involve the improper secretion of its hormones – thyroid hormone.
Concerned your child may be having thyroid problems? For more information or to make an appointment at Endocrine Kids, call our pediatric endocrinology office in Novi, Michigan, at (248) 347-3344, or request an appointment online.
Pediatric Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Treatment in Novi, MI
Some of the thyroid disorders we treat include:
- Congenital Hypothyroidism
A disorder in which a patient is born without a thyroid gland or with a thyroid gland that does not produce enough hormone. If untreated or poorly managed, this can lead to significant developmental delays. Hypothyroidism is treated with thyroid replacement hormone taken each day.
- Acquired Hypothyroidism
A disorder often resulting from autoimmune destruction of the thyroid gland. Lack of iodine can also cause it, though this is not common in the United States. The condition is treated with thyroid replacement hormone. - Thyroid Goiters, Nodules, and Cancers
A goiter is a disorder in which the thyroid gland in the neck enlarges visibly, while a nodule is when a fluid filled or solid lump forms. With thyroid cancer, metastatic tissue starts growing. - Hyperthyroidism and Graves' Disease
A disorder in which the thyroid gland produces too much hormone. Hyperthyroidism is usually treated with anti-thyroid medications, radioactive iodine, or, in rare cases, surgical removal of the thyroid gland.